Jorge Alejandro Amador Herrera

Hi! I’m a Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences at KAUST, working under the guidance of Prof. Dominik L. Michels.

My interests are broad within the field of computer graphics, including physical simulation, data-driven methods, and interactive modeling approaches. My current research is centered on creating computational methods based on robust theoretical principles. This work covers a range of areas, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, mathematical and physics-based modeling, and numerical analysis.

Previously, I pursued dual majors in physics and mathematics at UNAM, under the advisement of Prof. Claudia Orquidea Lopez Soto and Dr. Marcelino Arciniega Castro, respectively. There, I conducted research on several subjects, including high-performance computing algorithms for accelerated molecular dynamics, multi-stage scheduling problems, and high-energy physics.

I’ve also had the opportunity to intern at Adobe, where I worked on physically-based hair simulation and deformable signed distance fields, and at CERN, where I developed a centralized framework for data-driven anomaly detection and visualization of collision events at the CMS experiment.


[08/2024] My work presented at SIGGRAPH 2024 on Cyclogenesis: Simulating Hurricanes and Tornadoes is featured by KAUST Discovery.